Monday, March 23, 2009

The Real Steve Lopez and Nathaniel Ayers

Knowing that this book is based on a true story, it made me wonder just who exactly Steve Lopez and Nathaniel Anthony Ayers are. Looking through video’s I found one about how Steve gave Nathaniel an award because of everything that has happened over the years with the articles, book, and even new movie. The award was given to him on Beethoven’s birthday, him being one of Nathaniel’s favorite composers.

Actually seeing and hearing Nathaniel play in this video is what really made me want to have it on my blog. While reading the book its always describing how well he can play but I have never gotten to actually hear him until now. Also you get to see what the real Steve Lopez looks like, him being the narrator in the novel you really get inside his head so it was nice to see the actual person who’s thoughts your reading.

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