Friday, March 13, 2009


The novel "The Soloist" by Steve Lopez, is a true story about how a middle-aged journalist noticed a homeless man playing classical music on the streets of L.A. and heard how well he was playing with only a two stringed violin that was in questionable shape. Knowing that everyone has there own story, he decides he wants to learn more about this "Violin Man" and starts talking to him and trying to learn about his story. So far i have only read up to chapter 3 in this book but already Steve has discovered many things about this homeless man (Nathaniel Anthony Ayers) that nobody would have guessed by simply looking at him. Steve being the narrator in this book, speaks of things in his perspective. So it's him telling the story about how he met this troubled man and explains to us what he was thinking during the novel. So far this book has been interesting and descriptive, really allows the reader to wonder about this mans past and also his future.

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