Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Soloist: Book Review

The book "The Soloist" was a book about a homeless street musician who suffers from schizophrenia, yet plays the violin with incredible talent. He is discovered by an L.A. Times columnist who wants to learn about his story, which turns out to be an amazing discovery. I feel that this novel is more aimed towards an older reader, not because of complex topics or a wide vocabulary, but because it loads you with lots of information and takes a long time until something exciting takes place. The book is separated in to Three Parts, the first being introduction where the main characters are introduced and the theme of the book is roughly explained. Part two is more of following the main topic in some parts but basically is loading you with information about the "cause" they’re working hard on, to end the horrible living conditions for mentally ill homeless people who have nowhere to go except the streets. While reading part two there was many times I wanted to put the book down and end my misery, but reading through all the boring stuff a some times was worth it. Nathaniel’s life and his outburts of rage were interesting. Part three is obviously the conclusion, which doesn’t seem to really end the book. As you may know by now the book (which is a true story) is being turned into a movie, so hopefully they make the movie more exciting than at times a bore. I give this book 4 out of 5 bravo’s.

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